Sunday, June 12, 2011

Half Price Tuition

By hoon
Today, Republic of Korea’s president is ‘Myung Bak Lee’. Before he is president, one of his election pledges becomes really hot issue. It is about university tuition, we commonly called ‘half price tuition’. Actually in Korea, a person's educational background is all-important, so it is really sensitive problem. Of course Duty education is until high school. Because we have stereotype and thinking is very poor, it is difficult to live without a bachelor’s degree. These election pledges have a lot of problems. That is spontaneous and unplanned. Even candidate had lied. For election, they said that kind of lie. They just thought time will resolve the dispute. Because private university has serious corruption, this problem is going up. They still are investigated about their finance. However mostly Korean know they involved a lot of corruption. Most of funny thing is that it was president’s election pledges and government should resolve that problem. But whole people’s target is only private university. Of course private university make it clear that their finance. Actually thay already have used tuition to wrong way. I know they need to government’s help. Anyway because of university’s corruption, they should resolve this problem. However president and his party have a duty. They evoked this issue. That’s why they need to suggest an althernative.

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